Rise Above Wellness Center Inc. November 30, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes The Rise Above Board convened via phone conference at 7:33 pm on 11/30/2021. Those in attendance were: Jeremy Dahlgren, Fred Sinclair, Sheila Kalkbrenner and Christina Petito. The Minutes of 6/23/21 were approved as distributed on motion by Kalkbrenner, second Petito and carried. The Treasurers Report by acting Treasurer Dahlgren indicated the previous balance of $700 was increased by a Dahlgren donation of $5 to keep account active for current balance of $705. Activities: Chairman Dahlgren reported There was a discussion group held, Tai Chi is sporadic but hopefully will keep going. Morning meditations need schedule changes. The Island Park meeting was a success with lots of discussion of activities. Christina Petito discussed a change in employment and is currently offering life coaching/counseling at Rise Above. There is great need and interest, from 5-7 participants, in working on community connection and enhanced presence on social media. There is critical need to invest in this areas youth population with connection and communication being initial challenges. There was discussion of Christina’s founding of the Luminous Healing LLC and description of approaches and techniques incorporated and Also reaffirmation of the importance of the Rise Above Library and plans for enhanced tracking and access. Board meetings will continue quarterly and the 2022 Organizational meeting will be held on Saturday January 8 th 2022 at 3:00 pm. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. Fred Sinclair, Acting Secretary Recorder.