Rise Above Wellness Center, Inc. ================================== The Rise Above Board of Directors meeting was convened at 3:04pm on 4/9/2022 via ZOOM. Those in attendance were Dahlgren, Sinclair, Petito, and Kalkbrenner. MINUTES: The January 8 2022 meeting minutes had been distributed previously via email and upon review were approved on motion by Sinclair, second Petito and carried as submitted. TREASURERS REPORT: The 501C3 IRS report (2021 990 e-post-card format filed on 3/9/2022) has been filed and available for review on the webpage. If there are any suggested changes let Chairman/Treasurer Dahlgren know. The bank balance is $705 with no outstanding expenses or accounts receivable. The bank balance report was approved to file for audit and the 2022 budget discussed and both items approved on motion Sinclair second Petito and carried. THE SPRING CLEANUP Spring cleanup (Hospital to Rt 417) Event with the Chamber has 6 volunteers signed up for 9:00am - 3:00 pm May 7th organized by Petito. See webpage and Rise Above webpage for info. RA activity regarding Balloon Rally weekend is ramping up. See website for notices on scheduling of Meditation and Tai Chi. The next meeting was set for July 9th at 2:30 pm via ZOOM. The meeting adjourned approx. 3:45 on motion by Sinclair second Petito and carried. Respectfully submitted Fred Sinclair, recorder