Rise Above Wellness Center, Inc. ================================== RISE ABOVE JUNE 2023 Minutes Meeting September 7, 2023 at 161 1/2 N. Main St. Wellsville. Upstairs in the studio room of the wellness center. Start time: 6:01pm Attending: Jeremy, Anna, Stephen, Sheila, Alexis, Carol, and Christina (via Zoom) Board briefly reviewed meeting minutes from previous meeting back in June 2023 - via email Jeremy sent out. The board agreed to look over the meeting minutes and send Jeremy any suggestions via email on their own time following the current meeting. Jeremy donated $1 to treasurer's report bringing the total to $707.00. Anna’s purchase of water will be reimbursed by Jeremy, Anna provided receipts. Reviewed on this years, 2023 Ballon Rally Sidewalk event: All positive reviews from the board members, saying this year was a bigger event compared to the years prior, more engagement from the community, overall positive energy from the collective. Tarot readings given by Anna and Alexis seemed to help bring in more attention to the vendors. A mention from Sheila of collaborating with Beyoutiful Nutrition next door, for a health event using Rise Above's facility. A mention of lack of advertisement and marketing from practitioners - Leaving the ultimate responsibility up to the individual practitioners to do their own marketing through flyers, word of mouth, Facebook, etc. to bring in more community/higher numbers in groups if practitioner decides to do so. All board members agree of the responsibilities moving forward. Anna announces she will be stepping down from current position, member at large- due to personal reasons and will be moving out of the space at Rise Above in November 2023. Anna will still be involved with Rise Above, with her gratitude group held weekly. Board members continue to search for scholarships and grants to help provide practitioners with funding for classes and bringing in any new practitioners to occupy the space. General pushback from potentially new facilitators due to Rise Above being donation based. Also, a mention of revising a proposal for all practitioners to sign in writing with the occupancy of Rise Above to make clear the set standards and intentions with working at Rise Above. Anna mentions bringing in more color and eye-catching flyers for Rise Above in the showcase located outside of the front door to the building to capture more attention towards the building from spectators walking by. Anna's flyer of "What's happening at Rise Above" received positive feedback versus the Rise Above Calander. A desire from the board members to reach out to Cuba Metaphysical practitioners to collaborate on events at Rise Above to bring more advertisment to the facility for potential members. The board agreed on removing more unnecessary items in the space, specifically room #4 to bring more feng shui and neutral energy for any potential practitioners to envision how they would like to facilitate the building. The meeting was concluded by coming back to Rise Above's mission statement of serving our community even if it's just one person - we can make a difference in their lives, it is all worth it. Providing a healing, safe space for all who visit Rise Above is our number #1 priority compared to the business perspective. Meeting ending at 7:12pm. Next meeting will be held on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 6pm either via Zoom or at Rise Above studio room #4.