RISE ABOVE WELLNESS CENTER, INC =============================== July 11th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes 161 1/2 N. Main St. Wellsville, NY 14895 Upstairs in the lobby room and via Zoom Start Time: 6:14pm. Attending: Stephen, Christina (via Zoom), Jeremy Absent: Alexis, Sheila The minutes from the April 4th meeting were reviewed. No corrections were made. Stephen motioned to approve, Christina seconded, all were in favor. Jeremy presented the treasurer's report: 707.00 Starting balance. + 950.00 Deposit of Sheila's donation for the stipend fund. - 60.00 Payment to Kelly Samolis for 3 classes in June. ---------- $1597.00 Final balance. Jeremy will post the stipend fund tracking spreadsheet on the website so the records of all fund transactions are publicly available. Stephen motioned to accept this report, Christina seconded, all were in favor. Kelly Samolis is currently the only stipend fund applicant. It was decided that an accepted application would be good for one year, and that the applicant would need to renew the application each year. It was also decided to set the maximum per month per practitioner at $100, so that one or more practitioners do not monopolize use of the funds. Jeremy will reach out to Sheila about the status of the stipend fund documents and start another thread for any additional edits that need to be made to the documents. Once the documents are finalized we can promote with flyers and posts to social media. Chrsitina offered to help with creating posts on the Rise Above facebook page. The group discussed the upcoming Balloon Rally Sidewalk Event on Saturday July 20th. Jeremy will reach out to Cindy and Kelly to see if there is any interest in hosting a live demo yoga class at the event. Jeremy will also reach out to Alexis to see if she is interested in supporting at our tent and if she has any interest in doing readings again. Jeremy will be in the tent giving away books and promoting the wellness center, and collecting contact information and suggestions on an interest sheet. The meeting was adjourned at 6:53pm. The next meeting is planned for October 3rd at 6pm at 161 1/2 N. Main St. Christina has offered to send out a Zoom invite link. Submitted by Jeremy Dahlgren, stepping in as secretary for Alexis.